500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins

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Are you familiar with the 500 lire San Marino bimetallic coins? If you have read our article on the 500 lire bimetallic coins minted by the Italian Republic, you will have read that San Marino and the Vatican City have also minted their 500 lire coins with the same bimetallic type.

500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins
All the 500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins

In this article we will therefore examine the various coins (there are 20 of them!) of 500 lire of San Marino.

Composition of the 500 bimetallic lire coins of San Marino

The 500 lire bimetallic coins of the Republic of San Marino were minted with the same metal alloys used for the Italian 500 lire bimetallic coins.

Yes, we are talking about Acmonital and Bronzital, as you will certainly know if you have read our article on the 500 bimetallic lira of the Italian Republic!

Not only are the alloys used the same, but also the weight and size. The 500 lire bimetallic coins of San Marino in fact weigh 6.8 grams, have a diameter of 25.8 millimetres and have a ribbed edge with discontinuous lines, just like the Italian ones! (and those of the Vatican). The orientation of the axes is French. ( glossary)

History of the 500 lire bimetallic coins of the Republic of San Marino

San Marino 500 lire bimetallic coins also began to be minted in 1982, but unlike those of the Italian Republic, those of San Marino, for each year of minting, change both the obverse and the reverse.

All the 500 bi-metallic lira of San Marino were minted for circulation and distributed in rolls, with the exception of those of the years 1994, 1997, 2000 and 2001, which were issued only as “Divisionals FDC”.

Catalogue of all 500 lire bimetallic coins of the Republic of San Marino

Let’s see one by one all the 500 lire coins of San Marino in detail, with pictures and quotations.

500 Lire San Marino 1982 Coin – “FAO – Social achievements”

500 Lire San Marino 1982 Coin - “FAO - Social achievements”
500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins 1982 Fight against world hunger

The first of San Marino’s 500 lire bimetallic coins was minted in 1982 and are dedicated to FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Description 500 Lira San Marino 1982 “Risultati Sociali” (Social Results)

On the obverse, the three towers on top of Mount Titano, the symbol of San Marino, stand out in the inner circle. The towers are feathered and surmounted by a crown.

Next to the base of one of the towers is the signature of the author Angelo Biancini. The circular acmonital crown bears the words “REPUBBLICA DI S. MARINO” at the top and a scroll with the words “LIBERTAS” at the bottom, flanked by an oak and an olive branch.

On the reverse, the year 1982 and the value L.500 appear on the outer ring, separated by two ears of corn. The inner circle depicts a scene depicting the fight against world hunger, with the inscription ‘FAO’ to the upper left. To the lower right is the mint mark R.

Author: Angelo Biancini

Value of 500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins 1982

  • This 500 bimetallic lira of the Republic of San Marino FAO – Le conquiste Sociali of 1982 was minted with a circulation of 1,900,000 and is classified as common. If in FDC quality it can reach the value of about 2€.

500 Lire San Marino 1983 Coin –  “Apocalypse – Atomic threat”

500 Lire San Marino 1983 Coin -  “Apocalypse - Atomic threat”
500 lire bimetalliche San Marino 1983 Apocalisse

Nel 1983 le 500 lire bimetalliche di San Marino vennero dedicate alla vicenda degli “euromissili”, sfociata poi nel trattato INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) firmato da Ronald Reagan e Michail Gorbačëv.

Descrizione 500 Lire San Marino 1983 “L’Apocalisse”

Nella parte interna di questa moneta da 500 lire bimetallica di San Marino, al dritto, si trova lo stemma di San Marino con le tre torri piumate, sopra due rami di quercia e ulivo e sovrastato da una corona.
Sull’anello esterno le scritte “REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO” e “LIBERTAS”.

Sul retro di questa moneta del 1983, al verso, è rappresentata un’allegoria dell’apocalisse nucleare, con tre animali che incombono su due uomini, uno dei quali disteso.
La corona esterna di queste 500 lire bimetalliche riporta l’anno “1983”, il valore L.500 con a destra il segno R della zecca di Roma ed a sinistra la firma dell’autore Agenore Fabbri.

Autore: Agenore Fabbri

Valore 500 Lire Repubblica di San Marino 1983

  • La tiratura di queste 500 lire di San Marino 1983, Apocalisse – Minaccia atomica, è di 1.922.000 esemplari, quindi sono classificate come comuni e possono avere un valore di circa 2€ se in qualità FDC.

500 Lire San Marino 1984 Coin –  “Science for Man – Albert Einstein”

500 Lire San Marino 1984 Coin -  “Science for Man - Albert Einstein”
500 Lire San Marino 1984 –  “Science for Man – Albert Einstein”

In 1984, the Republic of San Marino dedicated its 500 bimetallic lira to Albert Einstein and his contribution to science.

The following year, 500 lire were minted with the 1984 yearmark. In 1985, in fact, a decree was issued to mint another 743,160 new coins with the 1984 date.

Description of 500 Lire San Marino 1984 Coin “Albert Einstein”

This 500 lire bimetallic coin of 1984 on the obverse, in the inner ring, has a view of the city of San Marino, with the three feathered towers and surrounded by walls, while the outer ring bears the words “REPVBBLICA DI S. MARINO” and “LIBERTAS”, spaced by an olive branch and an oak branch.

The bronze circle on the reverse depicts the bust of Albert Einstein between the signatures of engraver Sergio Grossi and author Enrico Manfrini on the left and the mint mark R on the right.

At the bottom centre of this 500 lira coin is the minting year ‘1984’. At the top of the outer ring is the name “ALBERT EINSTEIN” with, at the sides, mathematical formulas and representations of atoms. At the bottom is the value L.500.

Engraver Sergio Grossi, author Enrico Manfrini.

Value of 500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins 1984

  • With a total circulation of 2,633,000 examples, the bimetallic 500 San Marino Lira 1984 “Albert Einstein” are very common, so the price they can reach if FDC is not very high. These 500 San Marino Lira are worth about 2€.

500 Lire San Marino 1985 Coin –  “Fight against drugs”

500 Lire San Marino 1985 Coin -  “Fight against drugs”
500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins 1985 –  “Fight against drugs”

In 1985, the Republic of San Marino minted its 500 lire bimetallic coins, dedicating them to the fight against drugs.

Description of 500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins 1985 “Fight against drugs”

The obverse of these 500 San Marino Lira of 1985 shows Saint Marino, the founder of the community of Mount Titano, which later became the Most Serene Republic of San Marino, bowing and holding in his hands a stylised representation of the city, with its three towers and crown. On the outer circular crown are the words “REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO ” and “LIBERTAS”.

On the outer ring, on the reverse, we find the year 1985 at the top, the value L.500 at the bottom and two symbols at the sides (one is a hammer). The inner circle shows a person trying to free himself from the chains that symbolise drugs. The signature of the author, Angelo Grilli, is at the top left, the mint mark at the bottom right.

Author: Angelo Grilli

Value of 500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins 1985 “Fight against drugs”

  • These 500 Lira San Marino coins from 1985 “Lotta alla droga” are classified as common, given the circulation of 2,647,100 minted. The value they can reach, even in FDC quality, is therefore low and is 2€.

500 Lire San Marino 1986 Coin – “Technological evolution”

500 Lire San Marino 1986 Coin - “Technological evolution”
500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins 1986 – “Technological evolution”

San Marino dedicated the 500 lire coins minted in 1986 to the Technological Evolution of Man. These 500 lire 1986 coins are also known as “Man and Machine“.

Let’s see what is represented there.

Description of 500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins 1986 – “Technological evolution”

As the name suggests, on the reverse of the 1982 500 San Marino lira there is a man in the act of controlling a machine. The signature of the author Mario Rossello is under the drawing and a little further to the right the mint mark. In the outer circle only the value L.500 at the top and the year 1986 at the bottom.

On the obverse, on the acmonital crown, the inscriptions “REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO” and “LIBERTAS”. Also on the obverse, in the centre are the three peaks of Mount Titan, with the three feathered towers with a crown above them. Below are an olive branch and an oak branch in contact.

Author: Mario Rossello

Value of 500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coins 1986 – “Technological evolution”

  • Of these 500 San Marino Lira of 1986 dedicated to Technological Evolution, 3,111,196 were minted, so they are classified as common and their value, even in FDC, does not reach 2€.

500 Lire San Marino 1987 Coin – “XV resume of San Marino minting coins”

500 Lire San Marino 1987 Coin - “XV resume of San Marino minting coins”
500 Lire San Marino 1987 Coin – “XV resume of San Marino minting coins”

1987 was the 15th anniversary of the resumption of coin minting by San Marino, so the 500 lire of that year were dedicated to this occasion. In fact, the Republic of San Marino only resumed minting coins in 1972, after a long pause that began in 1939.

Description 500 Lire San Marino 1987 “15th anniversary of coin issue”

On the obverse of these 500 lire of ’87, surrounded by the inscription “REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO” on the outer ring, stands the official coat of arms of the Republic, with the three feathered towers, crowned and wrapped in olive and oak branches. At the bottom is a ribbon with the inscription “LIBERTAS” and below it the signature of the author Sergio Giandomenico.

Also on the reverse of these 500 lire of 1987 appear the three feathered towers with an embattled boundary wall, symbols of the Castle of San Marino. The motto ‘LIBERTAS’ is again inscribed on the wall and the mint mark is to the right of the towers. The year 1987 and the value of L.500 at the bottom of the outer ring are separated by two small rosettes.

Author: Sergio Giandomenico.

Value 500 Lire Repubblica di San Marino 1987

  • Like many others, this 500 Lira San Marino coinage is worth €2 and is classified as common, having a mintage of 3,062,688 coins.

500 Lire San Marino 1988 Coin – “The Second Tower”

500 Lire San Marino 1988 Coin - “The Second Tower”
500 Lire San Marino 1988 Coin – “The Second Tower”

The 500 lire of San Marino 1988 are dedicated to the “Cesta”, the second of the City’s three towers.

These towers, built in the 13th century to defend against attacks by the Malatesta of Rimini, are called “La Rocca (or Guaita)”, “La Cesta (or Fratta)” and “Il Montale”.

Description 500 Lira San Marino 1988 “The second tower of the San Marino fortifications”.

On the obverse of these 500 lire is depicted, in a rectangle, an ancient coat of arms of the City of San Marino which dates back to the period of the Communes. Under the rectangle the inscription “LIBERTAS”, with the signature of the engraver Eugenio Driutti on the left and of the author Sergio Giandomenico on the right. On the outer ring the words ‘REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO’.

Also on the outer ring, but on the reverse, is a crenellation separating the year 1988 and the value L.500. In the centre is the Cesta (or Fratta) tower, known as the Second Tower. The mint mark R appears on the left of the Cesta.

Author: Sergio Giandomenico
Engraver: Eugenio Driutti

Value of 500 Lire San Marino 1988

  • These 500 Lira of San Marino 1988 Cesta are priced at 2.50€, having a circulation of 3,526,272 and being common.

500 Lire San Marino 1989 Coin – “16 centuries of history”

500 Lire San Marino 1989 Coin - “16 centuries of history”
500 Lira San Marino 1989 Bimetallic Coin with The Holy Chisel

In 1989, the 500 lire was minted to celebrate the founding of San Marino by the saint of the same name (patron saint of stonecutters and stone masons), and its 16 centuries of history.

Description 500 Lira San Marino 1989 “Il Santo Scalpellino” (The Saint Chiseller)

In the inner circle of these 500 lire, on the reverse side, San Marino is depicted in the act of sculpting the city which will bear his name, with minting year and mint mark. On the outer ring three oak leaves and the value L.500.

Also on the acmonital ring, but on the obverse, the inscription “REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO”, while in the centre appears the crowned coat of arms with the three feathered towers, with a scroll underneath with the inscription “LIBERTAS”. At the bottom the signatures of the author Jean Asselbergs and the engraver Ettore Frapiccini.

Author: Jean Asselbergs

Engraver: Ettore Frapiccini

Value of the coin 500 Lira Republic of San Marino 1989

  • These 500 lire San Marino 16 centuries of history, were minted with a circulation of 3,144,848 and are classified as common. What are they worth? Like many other 500 San Marino Lira, they are worth 2€ if Brilliant Uncirculated.

500 Lire San Marino 1990 Coin – “Peace”

500 Lire San Marino 1990 Coin - “Peace”
500 Lira San Marino Bimetallic 1990 “La Pace”

In this 1990 San Marino 500 lira coin, both on the obverse and reverse, the designs are not separated between the centre and the outer ring and the theme is Peace.

Description 500 Lira San Marino 1990 “Peace”.

The obverse of these 500 lire coins features a stylised representation of the three towers of San Marino at the top and the words “REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO” at the bottom. Underneath are “LIBERTAS”, 1990 and the two signatures of the author (Magdalena Dobrucka) and engraver (Sergio Grossi).

On the reverse, the design shows the profile of two pigeons, symbolising San Marino’s desire for peace, and in the background the outline of a postage stamp.

The value L.500 and the mintmark R are shown on the right.

Author: Magdalena Dobrucka

Engraver: Sergio Grossi

Value of the coin 500 Lira Republic of San Marino 1990

  • With a mintage of 3,747,063, this 500 lire San Marino 1990 La Pace coin is also worth, if Brilliant Uncirculated, around 2€.

500 Lire San Marino 1991 Coin – “A Hospitable Land”

500 Lire San Marino 1991 Coin - “A Hospitable Land”
500 Lira San Marino 1991 Bimetallic “Terra Ospitale” coin

The San Marino 500 lire of 1991 are called “Terra Ospitale” (Hospitable Land) because they celebrate the hospitality that the citizens of San Marino offered to the refugees of World War II.

Description 500 Lira San Marino 1991 “Terra Ospitale” (Hospitable Land)

On the obverse of this 500 lire coin we find on the outer ring the words “REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO” and “LIBERTAS”, and in the centre the three feathered towers surrounded by walls. The minting year 1991 can be seen on the left.

On the reverse side there is a hand offering flowers, as a symbol of hospitality to war refugees in 1944 by the people of San Marino. Below is the signature of the author Francisco Aparicio Sanchez, while further to the left is that of the engraver Uliana Pernazza.

Above the design of the hand is the value L.500 with the mint mark at the bottom.

The outer circle you read ‘TERRA OSPITALE’ and the date 1944 between two roses.

Author: Francisco Aparicio Sanchez
Engraver: Uliana Pernazza

Value of 500 Lira Republic of San Marino 1991

  • Unfortunately, these 500 lire San Marino Terra Ospitale of 1991 are not rare either, in fact they have a circulation of 3,580,563 pieces and their current value is about 2.50€.

500 Lire San Marino 1992 Coin – “500th Discovery of America”

500 Lire San Marino 1992 Coin - “500th Discovery of America”
500 Lira San Marino 1992 Bimetallic Coin Discovery of America

The Republic of San Marino minted its 500 lira in 1992 to celebrate 500 years since the discovery of America in 1492.

Description of the 500 Lira San Marino 1992 “Discovery of America” coins

The 1992 San Marino 500 lire are quite elaborate.

On the obverse, in the centre, one can see the three feathered towers with the signature of the author Laura Cretara, also author of the obverse of the 500 Italian bimetallic lira. The outer crown is divided into two concentric parts. The inner part, with an outline reminiscent of a sailing ship’s rudder wheel, bears the inscription “LIBERTAS PERPETUA”, while the outer part reads “REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO”.

Also on the reverse of these 500 lire the acmonital crown is divided in two. On the inside, which resembles a rudder wheel, we read “BUSCAR EL LEVANTE POR EL PONIENTE”, on the outside “SCOPERTA DELL’AMERICA” and the dates 1492 – 1992 with the value L.500. The centre of the reverse is occupied by the design of a caravel driven by raging winds, and at the bottom left is the mint mark R.

Author: Laura Cretara

Value of the coin 500 Lira Republic of San Marino 1992

  • The circulation of these 500 San Marino lira of 1992 minted for the 500th Discovery of America is 4,555,864, so they are not rare but common, and if you ask how much they are worth the answer is just under 2€.

500 Lire San Marino 1993 Coin – “16 centuries of history looking to the future”

500 Lire San Marino 1993 Coin - “16 centuries of history looking to the future”
500 San Marino Bimetallic Lira 1993 “16 Centuries of History” – Adveniat Regnum Viri.

In 1993, the Republic of San Marino chose to dedicate the 500 lire to the hope of a better future.

Description of the 500 Lira San Marino 1993 “Adveniat Regnum Viri” coins

Also these 500 Lira of San Marino have on the obverse, in the centre, the city walls with the three feathered towers. On the walls is written “LIBERTAS” while on the outer ring is written “REPVBLLICA DI SAN MARINO” and at the bottom are olive and oak branches.

On the reverse, the outer crown bears the motto “ADVENIAT REGNVM VIRI”, “Let man’s kingdom come”, with the value L.500 at the bottom. In the centre is an old broken stump from which a new shoot is sprouting, a symbol of hope for the future, while on the horizon the sun is rising on the dawn of a new day.

On either side of the old billet we find the minting year 1993 and the mintmark R. To the left of the mintmark is the signature of the engraver Eugenio Driutti, while under the billet is the signature of the author G.F. Malison.

Engraver: Eugenio Driutti
Author G.F. Malison

Value of the coin 500 Lira Republic of San Marino 1993

  • Also these 500 San Marino bimetallic lira for the 16 centuries of future-oriented history of 1993 have a circulation of more than 4 million, so they are classified as common and can be worth, in FDC, a little less than 2€.

500 Lire San Marino 1994 Coin – “Donna Felicissima”

500 Lire San Marino 1994 Coin - “Donna Felicissima”
500 Lira San Marino Bimetallic 1994 “la Donna Felicissima”

If you are expecting to see a very happy woman (donna felicissima) laughing on this 1994 San Marino 500 lire, I have bad news for you. In fact, “Felicissima” was the name of the widow who owned the land on which Mount Titano was built and on which Marino had retired.

According to legend, the son of Donna Felicissima protested against the presence of Marino, who begged the lord to keep him at bay. He then fell to the ground paralysed. Donna “Felicissima” then asked the saint for forgiveness and gave him a piece of land on Mount Titano.

Description 500 Lire coin San Marino 1994

On the obverse of these 500 lire of 1994 appears San Marino, with mace and chisel, looming over the three feathered towers. On the outer ring are the words “REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO” and “LIBERTAS”.

On the reverse, in the centre there is an allegorical representation of donna Felicissima giving Mount Titan to the saint. To the upper right is the R sign of the Rome mint, to the left the signatures of the author Lozica and the engraver Eugenio Driutti. On the outside, an olive branch and an oak branch separate the minting year 1994 and the value L.500.

Author: Lozica
Engraver: Eugenio Driutti

Value of 500 Lira coins Republic of San Marino 1994

  • Of these 500 Lira of 1994 of San Marino minted in honour of Donna Felicissima, which as we said at the beginning of this article were issued only as FDC Divisional, only 40,000 examples were minted. In spite of this, however, they are classified as common and can be worth a little less than 2€.

500 Lire San Marino 1995 Coin – “50th Anniversary FAO”

500 Lire San Marino 1995 Coin - “50th Anniversary FAO”
500 Lira San Marino Bimetallic 1995 – 50 years FAO

1995 was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and San Marino dedicated to this anniversary the 500 lire minted in that year.

Description 500 Lire San Marino 1995 “50° FAO”

On the central roundel of these 500 lire of 1995, on the obverse, appear the three feathers of the towers of San Marino, wrapped in three turns of a ribbon bearing the inscription “LIBERTAS”. Also on the outer ring is a ribbon bearing the inscription ‘REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO’. To the right of the ribbon knot is the signature of the author Loredana Pancotto and outside the ribbon is the signature of the engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini.

On the reverse, in the centre, there is a child cultivating an ear of corn with the mint mark R on the right and the year 1995 on the left. Under the mintmark appears again the signature L.Pancotto. The exterior of this coin reads 1945 FAO 1995, while the value L.500 is at the bottom.

Finally, a corncob and a sprig of olives complete the acmonital crown.

Author: Loredana Pancotto
Engraver: Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini

Value of 500 Lire Repubblica di San Marino 1995 Coins

  • With a total circulation of 3 million, these 1995 San Marino 500 lire minted in honour of the FAO 50th anniversary are classified as common and can have a value, in FDC, of almost 2€.


Before talking about the San Marino 500 Lire bimetallic coin of 1996, a premise must be made:

From 1996 until 2000, the Republic of San Marino minted its 500 lire following a project based on five major themes. The aim of this project was to record on the coins, an asset that is preserved over time, the most significant stages and progresses of humanity in order to hand them down to posterity.

This is why these four coins share the same design on the obverse, namely the Earth with a flame in its hands.

  • For the first year, in 1996, the theme was “Man and philosophical and dogmatic thought”, and the 500 lire were dedicated to Hegel, the philosopher who was the main representative of the philosophical current of German idealism.
  • In the second year, 1997, the theme was ‘Man and artistic expression’ expressed through music.
  • In 1998. the third year, the theme chosen was ‘Man and Science’, in this case Chemistry.
  • Fourth theme, in 1999, ‘man and the exploration of his world’ and the image depicted is that of today’s Sky
  • “Towards the third millennium’ is the fifth theme of the year 2000, Work is the subject.

But let’s start with the first protagonist of this small numismatic project.

500 Lire San Marino Coin 1996 – “Hegel” 

500 Lire San Marino Coin 1996 - “Hegel”
500 Lire San Marino Bimetallic Coin 1996 Hegel

Description 500 Lira San Marino 1996 “Man and philosophical and dogmatic thought”.

On the obverse, in the centre, is a human bust, representing the planet Earth, holding a flame in his hands. Around the head are various celestial bodies such as the Moon, Saturn and some stars. Under the bust are the signatures of the two authors of the obverse, Giovanni Giulianelli and F. Filanci.

On the outer circle, the inscription ‘REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO’ is interspersed with a pair of small representations of the three towers of San Marino with the inscription ‘LIBERTAS’ on a cartouche.

The reverse side of these 500 San Marino lire, as we have said dedicated to Hegel, shows a portrait of the philosopher inscribed in a triangle with a downward vertex, representing his philosophical doctrine.

Immediately to the right of the triangle is the signature of the author of the reverse, Renka. To the left, on the outer ring, are the R sign of the Rome mint and the signature of the engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini, while to the right is the minting year 1996.

At the top is the value L.500, at the bottom the name of the philosopher “HEGEL”.

Authors Obverse: Giovanni Giulianelli and F. Filanci
Author Reverse: Renka and Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini

Value of the 500 Lira coin Republic of San Marino 1996

  • Also the 500 lire of San Marino of 1996 dedicated to Hegel are not rare but common, having a circulation of 3,911,288 examples. Consequently, their value, even FDC, is around 2€.

500 Lire Coin San Marino 1997 – “Music” 

500 Lire Coin San Marino 1997 - “Music”
500 Lira San Marino Bimetallic 1997 – The Music Player

For the 1997 500 Lira coins, the theme was “Man and artistic expression”, and in particular Music. The 1997 500 lire coins were issued only as FDC divisionals, as were the 1994, 2000 and 2001 coins.

Description 500 Lira San Marino 1997 “Man and artistic expression”.

The obverse of the 500 lire of 1997 is the same as that of the previous year. We see the human bust representing the Earth holding a flame surrounded by celestial bodies.

On the reverse, however, a tibia player is depicted in the central part. The tibia was an ancient bone musical instrument and this composition is taken from a Greek vase from the 5th century BC. The outer ring reads ‘MUSIC’ and the value L.500. The year 1997 and the signature of the author Galea Bason appear at the top right, while the mint mark and the engraver’s signature “FRAPICCINI INC.” appear at the bottom left.

Author: Galea Bason
Engraver: Frappicini

Value of the 500 Lire Republic of San Marino 1997 Coin

  • Are you ready to hear that even the 500 bimetallic lira of San Marino dedicated to Music in 1997 are not rare and worth 2€? Well, not this time! Having a circulation of only 28,000 examples as FDC Divisionals, it is certainly the rarest coin among the 500 San Marino Lira, classified as common, but certainly rarer than many of the other 500 Lira and in fact its value is considerably higher. How much are they worth? If in FDC quality these 500 Lira of 1997 of San Marino are worth almost 20€!

However, it is not the rarest coin, and later we will see one that fully enters among the rare coins, lire, of the Republic of San Marino.

500 Lire San Marino Coin 1998 – “Chemistry” 

500 Lire San Marino Coin 1998 - “Chemistry”
500 Lira San Marino Bimetallic 1998 – Chemistry

Continuing with their multi-annual project, the 500 Lira of 1998 are dedicated to the theme “Man and Science”. In particular, these 500 San Marino Lira are dedicated to Chemistry.

Description of the 500 Lira San Marino 1998 “Man and Science” coins

On the reverse of these 500 lire coins, a hand is shown holding a flame under a still. To the right of the flame are the year 1998 and the mintmark. On the outside there is the value L.500 at the bottom, with at the sides the signatures of the author (Magdalena Dobrucka) and engraver (Frapiccini Inc.), and at the top the inscription “CHEMISTRY”.

The obverse of these 500 lire of 1998 does not change from those of 1996 and 1997, the planet earth holding a flame surrounded by celestial bodies.

Author: Magdalena Dobrucka
Engraver: Frapiccini

Value of the coin 500 Lira Republic of San Marino 1998

  • These 500 lire of the year 1998 are dedicated to Chemistry and have a circulation of 1,300,000 and are classified as common. Their value is just under 2€.

500 Lire San Marino Coin 1999 – “Today’s sky” 

500 Lire San Marino Coin 1999 - “Today's sky”
500 Lira San Marino Bimetallic 1999 – Today’s Sky

The theme of the 1999 San Marino 500 lira is ‘Man and the exploration of his world’.

Description 500 Lira San Marino 1999 “Man and the exploration of his world”.

Keeping the design on the obverse unchanged, what varies in these 500 San Marino lire of 1999 is the reverse.

On the reverso is the lunar soil, on the left, fading into what could be a chip (some say radio waves). On the right the planet Saturn with its rings encroaching on the outer corona in acmonital.All’esterno in alto si leggono il millesimo 1999 e il segno R di zecca, in basso il valore L.500 e alla sua destra la firma dell’autore Y. Abdel Kalik.

Author: Y. Abdel Kalik

Value of the coin 500 Lira Republic of San Marino 1999

  • These 500 San Marino Bimetallic Lira dedicated to the 1999 San Marino Sky are also common and have a circulation of 2 million. They reach a value, if FDC, of 3€.

500 Lire San Marino Coin 2000 – “Work”

500 Lire San Marino Coin 2000 - “Work”
500 San Marino Bimetallic Lira 2000 – Work

At the end of the project started in 1996, the Republic of San Marino minted the 500 lire in 2000, dedicating them to the theme “Towards the Third Millennium” and representing Labour.

Description 500 Lira San Marino 2000 “Towards the third millennium – Work”.

In the centre, on the reverse, there is an old spinning wheel, a textile tool used to unravel hanks and reduce them to balls of thread, a symbol of work. On the right is the minting year 2000, and on the left the mint mark R. In the background are the meridians and the terrestrial parallels, while the outer ring is crossed by a double helix interrupted by the value L.500. On the right of the value is the engraver’s signature “PERNAZZA INC.” and on the left the signature of the aurice Laura Cretara.

The obverse of these coins shows the work of Giovanni Giulianelli and F. Filanci.

Engraver of the Reverse: Pernazza
Author of the reverse: Laura Cretara
Authors obverse: Giovanni Giulianelli and F. Filanci

Value of the coin 500 Lira Republic of San Marino 2000

Here we are at last with the 500 Lira San Marino Bimetallic 2000 coin minted and dedicated to Work, which has the highest value at the moment! These 2000 coins were minted with a mintage of 28,000 and only as FDC divisionals. They are therefore considerably rarer than the others and, if in Brilliant Uncirculated quality, their value is much higher. How much are the 500 lire of San Marino 2000 worth? Their price is just under 40€!

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500 Lire San Marino Coin 2001 – “1700th foundation of the Republic”

500 Lire San Marino Coin 2001 - “1700th foundation of the Republic”
500 Lira San Marino Bimetallic 2001 – 17 Centuries of Freedom

This brings us to the last 500 Lira coin of the Republic of San Marino, those of the year 2001. These 500 lira coins celebrate the 1700th anniversary of the foundation of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino in 301 A.D. according to legend.

Description 500 Lire San Marino 2001

On the obverse of the 500 San Marino lira of 2001, the three feathered towers of the Republic once again stand out. On the outer crown we see the inscription “REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO” interspersed with a myrtle branch, an oak branch and an olive branch. The myrtle, wheat and olive are in fact recognised as symbols of friendship, work and peace, and together represent the allegory of Love. At the bottom, above the text, is the signature of the author Uliana Pernazza.

On the reverse, the central part is occupied by three intertwined sprigs of olive, wheat and myrtle, representing Peace, Work and Friendship respectively. Beneath the design is the inscription “LIRE”, above the 500 on the outer ring. To the right of the value is the R sign of the Rome mint, and higher up is the year 2001 under which is written “1700 d.F.R.”.

Author: Uliana Pernazza

Value of the 500 Lire coins Republic of San Marino 2001

These last 500 lira minted by the Republic of San Marino 2001 dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, were issued only as FDC Divisional, and only 30,000 were minted.
They are not classified as rare, however, being less common than many of the other 500 lire of San Marino, they can reach a value of about 20€! Not rare but quite interesting.

Value of 500 lire coins of San Marino – Bimetallic

Do you have bimetallic 500 lire coins from San Marino and wonder how much they are worth?

As always in these cases, the value of the various 500 San Marino bimetallic lira coins changes depending on their rarity. For these coins, the price for almost all the years of minting ranges from just over 1 euro to just under 3 euro.

There are, however, three exceptions.

As we have seen, in the years 1994, 1997, 2000 and 2001 the 500 bimetallic lira of San Marino were issued with a lower circulation and only as FDC Divisional.

It follows that the coins of these years have a higher than average valuation, or at least almost all of them:

  • The 500 San Marino bimetallic lira of 1994, in fact, having a circulation of 40,000, are classified as C and can be worth about 2 euros.
  • In contrast, the 500 lire bimetallic coins from 1997, 2000 and 2001 can achieve a much higher value of between €20 and €40.

Here is the table divided by years, with circulation and values of the 500 San Marino Bimetallic Lira coins:

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