2 Euro Commemorativi Irlanda

Ireland 2 Euro Coins

Let’s talk about the Commemorative Ireland 2 Euro Coins, but let’s make a premise first: the Irish Euro coins divisional collection is not distinguished by the originality of the subjects represented. We can safely say, in fact, that on all coins there is the exact same subject, unlike other countries that instead have been ingenious in creating multiple designs and representations.

The 2 Euro Commemorative coins of Ireland deserve a different discussion as they undoubtedly have very interesting subjects.

Ireland 2 Euro Coins
2 Euro Commemorativi Irlanda

When we talk about commemorative coins, as in the case of the 2 euro commemorative coin, we are referring to special coins minted to mark special events or to commemorate important people in that country. In the course of this article we will look at this collection to find out what each coin is like and what it represents for Ireland or Europe.

Let’s find out together.

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2007 – 50th Treaties of Rome éıʀe 2007

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2007 - 50th Treaties of Rome éıʀe 2007
Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2007 – 50th Treaties of Rome éıʀe 2007

The first 2-euro commemorative coin of Ireland we come across is actually a coin common to all European countries. It is the coin minted in 2007 to mark the 50th Anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome.

On the obverse of the 2 euro Ireland 2007 we can see the open Treaties in the centre of the coin, with a depiction of the pavement of the Piazza del Campidoglio (where the treaties were signed on 25 March 1957), designed by Michelangelo, in the background.

At the top, between the pavement and the Treaties, the inscription “AN EORAIP” is engraved, and if you look further up, you can see, on two lines, the inscription “CONRADH NA RÓIMHE 50 BLIAIN”.

The lower part of the coin bears the inscription ‘éire’ followed by the minting year ‘2007’.

All around you can see the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states while.

Regarding the Reverse, it is important to note that this is the first coin minted by the Dublin Mint to have the second type of Common Face.

The coin is included in the FDC set “50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome”, in the FS set and in a FDC folder.

Value of 2 Euro Ireland éıʀe 2007 Commemorative Treaties of Rome

  • The value of the 2-euro commemorative coin of Ireland minted in 2007 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome is €2.50.

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2009 – éıʀe AEA 1999-2009 EMU

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2009 - éıʀe AEA 1999-2009 EMU
Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2009 – éıʀe AEA 1999-2009 EMU

Let us now move on to the second coin in this collection. We are talking about the 2 Euro Commemorative Coin of Ireland minted in 2009 for the 10th Anniversary of the Economic and Monetary Union.

On the obverse side, we can immediately observe a rather characteristic and unusual design. It is a stylised man standing next to the Euro symbol. This indicates that the Euro represents the last stage of an economic and financial evolution for European citizens.

It should be noted that the design was chosen directly by European citizens through an online competition.

At the top is the simple inscription ‘éıʀe’ and at the bottom ‘AEA 1999-2009 EMU’ (Aontas Eacnamaíochta Airgeadaíochta). Above the year ‘2009’ there are also the author’s initials ‘ΓΣ’ .

All around are engraved the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

The reverse side features the same common face as all 2-euro coins.

The coin is included in the FS Divisional and FS Capsule.

Author: Georgios Stamatopoulos

Value of 2 Euro Ireland éıʀe 2009 – Commemorative EMU

  • The value of the 2 Euro Commemorative Coin of Ireland minted in 2009 to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Economic and Monetary Union is €2.50.

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2012 – éıʀe 2002-2012

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2012 - éıʀe 2002-2012
Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2012 – éıʀe 2002-2012

The third coin in this collection is another coin that is also common to other European countries. It is the 2-euro commemorative coin minted in 2012 to mark 10 years of euro banknotes and coins.

The obverse features the Euro symbol placed perfectly in the centre of the globe, as if to underline the centrality and importance of the Euro in Europe. To further reinforce this concept, several other elements have been inserted all around.

Specifically, we can see the people representing European citizens, the ship symbolising trade, the factory representing industry and finally the wind turbines representing energy.

Above it is the word ‘éire’ and below it the dates ‘2002 – 2012’. All around are the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

On the obverse side, the coin is identical to all other 2-euro coins with its common face.

The coin is included in the Divisionale FS.

Author: Helmut Andexlinger

Value of 2 Euro Ireland éıʀe 2012 – Commemorating 10 Years of the Euro

  • The value of the 2-euro commemorative coin of Ireland minted in 2012 to celebrate 10 years of euro banknotes and coins is €3.50.

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2015 – éıʀe 1985-2015 – 30th European flag

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2015 - éıʀe 1985-2015 - 30th European flag
Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2015 – éıʀe 1985-2015 – 30th European flag

Once again we are talking about a coin that is also common to other European states. In particular we are talking about the 2 Euro Commemorative Coin of Ireland minted in 2015 on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the European Flag.

On the obverse side, on the national side, we can see the European flag with 12 stylised human figures in the centre. This design is intended to signify the union of the peoples and citizens of Europe in order to create a new and better Europe, reaffirming the centrality and importance of Europe through the flag.

The country of issue,. “éire”, and the years “1985 – 2015” are placed at the top right.

To the lower right are the initials of the author. All around the coin are the usual 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

The reverse side is identical to that of any other 2-euro coin with its common face.

The coin is included in the Divisionale FS.

Author: Georgios Stamatopoulos

Value of 2 Euro Ireland éıʀe 2015 – Commemorating the European Flag

  • The value of the 2 Euro Commemorative Coin of Ireland minted in 2015 for the 30th Anniversary of the European Flag is €3.50

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2016 – HIBERNIA – 100th Easter riots in Ireland

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2016 - HIBERNIA - 100th Easter riots in Ireland
Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2016 – HIBERNIA – 100th Easter riots in Ireland

We come to a coin of incredible historical importance to this state. Specifically, we are talking about the 2 Euro Commemorative coin minted in 2016 to mark the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising in Ireland.

The term ‘Easter Uprising’ refers to a rebellion by Irish Republicans against British rule during Easter week 1916. The rebellion lasted from 24 to 29 April 1916.

Returning to the 2 euro Ireland 2016 coin, on the obverse, or National Face, we can see a magnificent representation of the statue of Hibernia, created by the sculptor John Smyth, which is of incredible historical importance. This statue is in fact placed on the Irish Parliament whose occupation marked the beginning of the revolt. Its name comes from the term used by the ancient Greeks to refer to Ireland.

The inscription ‘HIBERNIA’ is engraved at the top with the dates ‘1916’ and ‘2016’ at the bottom left and right of the statue respectively.

In the background, sun rays can be seen, metaphorically indicating the dawn of a new nation and a new republic.

At the bottom is the inscription “éire 2016”.
All around, the coin features the classic 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

The reverse shows the face common to all 2-euro coins.

The coin is included in the Divisional FDC, in the Divisional FS, in a Coincard FDC, in a Bookmark UNC and in a box set FS.

Author: Emmet Mullins

Value of 2 Euro Ireland éıʀe 2016 – Commemorative Easter Rising

  • The value of the 2 Euro Commemorative coin of Ireland minted in 2016 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising is €3.

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2019 – 1919 An Chéad Dáil ÈIRE 2019

Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2019 - 1919 An Chéad Dáil ÈIRE 2019
Ireland 2 Euro Coins 2019 – 1919 An Chéad Dáil ÈIRE 2019

Once again a very important coin in Irish history. In particular this 2 Euro Commemorative coin was minted in 2019 for the 100th Anniversary of the first Dàil Èireann Assembly.

The Assembly of Ireland is the lower house of the Oireachtas (Parliament) of the Republic of Ireland. Election is by universal suffrage once every five years.

As for the coin’s obverse, the National Face, we can see the inscription “‘An Chéad Dáil”, meaning “the first day”, placed perfectly in the centre of the coin and large. The date “1919” is stamped at the top and “ÈIRE 2019” at the bottom.
On the outermost edge, as always, you can see the 12 five-pointed stars representing the European states.

The coin’s obverse is the common side as for every 2-euro coin.

The 2 euro coin Ireland 2019 is included in the FDC set and in the FS set.

Author: Emmet Mullins

Value of 2 Euro Ireland éıʀe 2019 – First session of the Dáil Éireann

  • The value of the 2 Euro Commemorative coin minted in 2019 to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the First Dàil Èireann Assembly is €3.50

Value of all Ireland 2 Euro Coins

Here is the table of values and print runs per coin, divided by years. The values indicated refer to coins in Brilliant Uncirculated condition and may vary according to Numismatic interest.

Now, if you have rare coins like these (but also different rarer coins), you can have fun and earn some money by auctioning them online. We always buy and sell coins at auction using this partner site. It is the largest online coin auction site and we really recommend it. Both selling and buying coins at auction is easy and exciting.

Arguments related to Irish Euro coins

You can see the value, rarity and description of all Irish divisional coins here: Irish Euro Coins

See the 2-euro commemorative coins of other European countries:

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