2 Euro Commemorative Coins Andorra

2 Euro Commemorative Coins Andorra

2 Euro Commemorative Coins Andorra

In the following article we are going to analyze the Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins, so we are going to see in details what are the 2 Euro Commemoratives Coins Andorra. The Commemorative coins, in case you don’t know, are special coins minted on the occasion of special events or to commemorate historical figures.

They are different from the common 2 Euro coins in that, instead of presenting the classic subject, they present others. For this reason they are often sought after and loved by collectors. Naturally this implies that also their value colud be different and higher than the one indicated on the common face.

What we will do then is to analyse each of these coins of the Principality of Andorra individually in order to understand their characteristics, designs and value.

2 Euro Andorra 2014 – 20 Years of Andorra’s in European Council

2 Euro Commemoratives Coin Andorra 2014
2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra 2014 European Council

The very first coin in this collection is the 2 Euro Commemorative coin minted in 2014 on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of Andorra’s entry into the European Council.

At the obverse we can see perfectly imprinted in the center the number “20” which recalls the anniversary. Note that the “0” in turn contains 12 stars indicating the countries of the European Union.

At the top there is the inscription “ANDORRA AL CONSELL D’EUROPA” (ANDORRA AL CONSELL D’EUROPA), while on the large left there is the coat of arms of the State. At the bottom we can instead see the thousandth of minting “2014”. On the outer ring of the coin are the 12 five-pointed stars that symbolise the European states.

On the reverse side of the coin is represented by the Common Face, it does not present any difference from all the other 2 Euro coins.

The coin is included in a Coincard FDC and a Coincard FS.

Author: Orietta Rossi

Value Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins 2014 – European Council

  • The value of the 2014 Andorran commemorative 2 euro coin coined on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Andorra’s entry into the European Council is €25

2 Euro Andorra 2015 – 30 Aniversari Majoria D’edat als 18 anys

2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra 2015
2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra 2016 Majors at 18 years old

The second coin in this collection is the 2 Euro Commemorative Andorra coin minted in 2015 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of a very special event. Specifically, it refers to the attribution of the age of majority at the age of 18.

At the Obverse we can observe the representation of one or a young person in the act of depositing their vote inside the ballot box, an action that can only be done with the age of majority. Note that the ballot paper bears the words “ANDORRA”.
At the top, next to the face, are engraved the dates “1985” and “2015”. The entire drawing is surrounded by the inscription “30è ANIVERSARI MAJORIA D’EDAT ALS 18 ANYS” (thirty years of age at the age of eighteen).

On the outside edge there are as usual the 12 five-pointed stars that symbolize the European states.

On the reverse side the coin is identical to any other 2 Euro coin, it is engraved with the common face.

The coin is included in a Coincard FDC.

Author: Orietta Rossi

Value Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins 2015 – Age at 18 years of age

  • The value of the Andorran commemorative 2 euro coinsminted in 2015 on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of reaching the age of 18 is €22.

2 Euro Andorra 2015 – 25th Customs Agreement with the EU

2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra 2015 - 25th Anniversary Customs Agreement with the European Union
2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra 2015 Customs Agreement

Let’s move on to the third coin in this collection. Let’s talk about the 2 Euro Commemorative Andorra coin minted in 2015 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Customs Agreement with the European Union.

At the obverse is faithfully reproduced the map of Andorra with the coat of arms of the Principality engraved on it. At the bottom are engraved two very large arrows pointing in completely opposite directions with engraved above the dates “1990” and “2015” and the inscription “ANDORRA”. These represent the customs agreements between Andorra and the European Union.

On the arched top is engraved the inscription “25è aniversari de la Signatura de l’Acord Duaner amb la Unió Europea” (25th anniversary of the signing of the customs agreement with the European Union). All around the coin depicts the 12 classic stars representing the EU states.

The reverse is the usual face common to all 2 Euro coins.

The coin is included in a Coincard FDC.

Value 2 Euro Andorra 2015 – Customs Agreement

  • The Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins chosen for the 25th Anniversary of the Customs Agreement with the European Union is worth €22.

2 Euro Andorra 2016 – 150th Anniversary New Reform

2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra - 150th Anniversary New Reform
2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra 2016 New Reform

The next Andorran commemorative 2 euro coin is the one minted in 2016 on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the New Reform of 1886. Specifically, this is one of the most important milestones for the Principality as it has marked a social and political not indifferent.

In the obverse we can see depicted the main room of the “Casa de la Vall” seat of the European Parliament. At the top is engraved the inscription “150 ANYS DE LA NOVA REFORMA DE 1866”, with immediately below the year of issue “2016”. Then, in the bottom is the inscription “ANDORRA”.
All around the coin is engraved with the usual 12 stars representing the States of the European Union.

In the reverse the image is the common one.

The coin is included in a Coincard FDC.

Value 2 euro commemorative coins Andorra 2016 – 150th Anniversary New Reformation

  • The commemorative 2-euro coin of Andorra, minted in 2016 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the New Reform of 1886, is worth €20.

2 Euro Andorra 2016 – 25th Anniversary Radiotelevision of Andorra

2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra - 25th Anniversary Radiotelevision of Andorra
Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins 2016 Radiotelevision

This coin was also minted in 2016. Specifically it is the Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins minted in 2016 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the radio and television of Andorra.

At the Obverse we can observe the representation of a microphone and an antenna surrounded by some concentric lines. All around is engraved the inscription “25è ANIVERSARI DE RÀDIO I TELEVISIÓ D’ANDORRA” while at the top the inscription “ANDORRA” and the year of issue “2016”.

On the outermost edge are as usual engraved the 12 stars, five-pointed, representing the European states.

The reverse is instead made up of the Common Face.

The coin is included in a Coincard FDC.

Value of Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins 2016 – 25th Anniversary Radiotelevision of Andorra

  • The value of the 2 euro commemorative coins Andorra minted in 2016 on the occasion of the twenty-fifth Anniversary of Andorra Radio and Television is €20.

2 Euro Andorra 2017 – 100th Anniversary of the Andorra Hymn

2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra 2017 - 100th Anniversary of the Andorra Hymn
Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins 2017 Hymn of Andorra

The next Andorran Commemorative 2 Euro coin was minted in 2017 to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Andorran Hymn.

On the obverse, the coin depicts a passage from the Andorra hymn published in 1914. This is placed exactly in the centre of the coin and specifically are the first notes of the hymn.
The whole is surrounded by a floral decoration and the inscription “Himne Andorrà” (Andorra’s hymn). At the top is the year of issue ‘2017’ and the inscription ‘100 anys de l’himne d’Andorra’ (100 years of the Andorran hymn).
The coin’s outer ring features the usual 12 five-pointed stars representing European countries.

On the reverse side of the coin there is the Common Face, identical to any other 2 Euro.

The coin is included in a Coincard FDC.

Value of 2 euro commemorative coins Andorra 2017 – 100th Anniversary of the Andorra Hymn

  • The value of the 2 euro commemorative coins Andorra minted in 2017 for the 100th Anniversary of the Andorran Hymn is €18.

2 Euro Andorra 2017 – Andorra the Country of the Pyrenees

2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra - Andorra the Country of the Pyrenees
Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins 2017 Pyrenees country

Also in 2017 another 2 Euro commemorative coin of Andorra was minted. In particular, this is the coin minted to honour the State of Andorra as a country in the Pyrenees.

The National Face of the obverse is engraved with a very particular figure. It is a triangle composed of three wavy strips which represent, in a stylized form, the geographical map of the country.
At the bottom there is the writing “ANDORRA” and “EL PAÍS DELS PIRINEUS” (the village of the Pyrenees). At the bottom is the year of issue ‘2017’.

As always, the coin features the 12 five-pointed stars representing the EU Member States.

The Common Face is instead at the reverse.

The coin is included in a Coincard FDC.

Value Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins 2017 – Andorra the country of the Pyrenees

  • The Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins 2017 coin minted to honour the State of Andorra as a country in the Pyrenees, value €20

2 Euro Andorra 2018- 25th Anniversary of the Constitution of Andorra

2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra - 25th Anniversary of the Constitution of Andorra
Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins 2018 Constitution of Andorra

We move on to a coin of incredible historical importance for the Principality of Andorra. Specifically it is the 2 Euro Commemorative coin of Andorra minted in 2018 on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Constitution.

In particular, the Andorran citizens, through the referendum held on 14 March 1993, expressed their desire to become a constitutional, democratic and social state, as provided for in Article 1 of the Constitution.

On the obverse the coin shows a representation of the “Monument to the men and women of Andorra who wanted the Constitution” which is located in the square of the Consell General, the Parliament of Andorra.

To the right of the monument there is a map of Andorra with the Principality’s motto “VIRTVS VNITA FORTIOR” (in unity virtue is stronger). All around the drawing there is the inscription “25è ANIVERSARI DE LA CONSTITUCIÓ 1993-2018”. (25th anniversary of the Constitution 1993-2018) accompanied by the “ANDORRA” one.

The coin has the usual twelve five-pointed stars on its outer ring, the symbol of Europe.

On the reverse, the Common Face, this infected one is no different from any other 2 Euro coin.

The coin is included in a Coincard FDC.

Value 2 euro commemorative coins Andorra 2018 – Constitution of Andorra

  • The 2 euro Andorra coin of 2018, wanted for the 25th applicant of the Constitution is €18

2 Euro Andorra 2018 – 70th of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra - 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2 Euro Commemoratives Coins Andorra 2018 Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In the same year as the previous coin, 2018, another coin was also minted. We are talking about the Andorran Commemorative 2 Euro coin minted for the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

For this National Face, at the Straight, we can see a drawing depicting seven stairs (representing the seven administrative divisions of Andorra) leading to a valley. In the center is imprinted vertically the inscription “ANDORRA 2018”.

At the same time the stairs also form the branches of a tree that symbolizes humanity and from which 30 leaves sprout. These of course represent the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
All around the design is the Catalan inscription “70 ANYS DE LA DECLARACIÓ UNIVERSAL DELS DRETS HUMANS” (70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).

The outermost edge is engraved with the classic 12 five-pointed stars.

While for the Verso this is no different from any other 2 Euro coin with its Common Face.

The coin is included in a Coincard FDC.

Author: Judit Gaset Flinch

Value 2 Euro Andorra 2018 – 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • The value of this two euro Andorran commemorative coin 2018, chosen on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is €18

2 Euro Andorra 2019 – Alpine Skiing World Cup Finals

2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra - Alpine Skiing World Cup Finals
2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra 2019 FIS World Cup

The next coin is also very important for the Principality. In particular, it is the 2 Euro commemorative coin of Andorra minted in 2019 on the occasion of the Alpine Ski World Final held from 11 to 17 March 2019 in Grandvalira.

At the obverse we can see the magnificent representation of a skier in action on the slope with snowflakes all around. In the background, in large size, is engraved instead the logo of the event. All around the design is the inscription “FINALS DE LA COPA DEL MON D’ESQUI ANDORRA 2019”.
On the outer ring, the coin shows as usual the twelve 5-pointed stars representing the European States.

The reverse has instead the common face.

Value 2 Euro Andorra 2019 – Alpine Ski World Cup Final

  • The 2 Euro coin of Andorra, Commemorative of 2019, dedicated to the final of the Ski World Cup, is €18.

2 Euro Andorra 2019 – 600th Anniversary Consell de la Terra

2 Euro Commemorative Coin Andorra - 600th Anniversary Consell de la Terra
Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins 2019 “Consell de la Terra”

We have therefore come to what, for the moment, is the last coin in this collection. We are talking about the 2 Euro commemorative coin of Andorra minted in 2019 on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the Consell de la Terra. If you don’t find the Andorran 2 euro coin you are looking for, it is probably among the Andorran euro coins.

This is none other than the General Council of Andorra (often referred to simply as Conell General d’Andorra or Consell General de les Valls) or the unicameral parliament of Andorra.

At the obverse we can see the coat of arms of Andorra engraved in the centre with the faces of many people representing the different members of the Council over the years. At the top in a semicircle there is the inscription “600 ANYS DEL CONSELL DE LA TERRA” (600 ANYS OF THE CONSELL DE LA TERRA) while slightly lower down the one “ANDORRA”.

Finally, the lowest part of the coin is engraved with the dates “1419” and “2019”.

On the outer ring, the coin shows as usual the 12 five-pointed stars symbolizing the States of the European Union.

The reverse is the same for all the 2 Euro coins and presents the Common Face.

The coin is included in a Coincard FDC.

Value 2 Euro Andorra 2019 – 600th Anniversary Consell de la Terra

  • To date, the value of the 2019 Andorra commemorative 2 Euro coin, minted to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the Consell de la Terra, is €22.

2 Euro Andorra 2020 Coin – XXVII Cimera Iberoamericana

2 Euro Andorra 2020 COin - XXVII Cimera Iberoamericana
2 Euro Andorra 2020 COin – XXVII Cimera Iberoamericana

This 2 Euro Commemorative coin Andorra 2020 Ibero-American Summit was minted for the XXVII Ibero-American Summit. The Summit has been held regularly since 1991 and brings together the heads of state of 19 countries, including Andorra, which took over in 2004 and is the smallest member of the conference. This coin was issued on 9/12/2020.

On the obverse, the symbolic tree consisting of human silhouettes (sustainable future) symbolising the integration of society, culture and education, and toothed discs (gears) indicating the synergies of ideas between participating members.

The words XXVII CIMERA IBEROAMERICANA and ANDORRA 2020 are written in a semicircle on the left, while the logo of the 27th Ibero-American Summit is on the right. Now, look at the coloured logo. It consists of two fans joined at the top, one divided into three parts with the colours of the Andorran flag (blue/yellow/red) and the other divided into six coloured parts representing openness to the aims of sustainable development.

The outer part of the coin features the 12 stars of the European Union and the reverse side is the value side, the common face of the 2-euro coin.

Value of 2 Euro Andorra 2020 Coin – XXVII Ibero-American Summit

  • As of today, the value of the 2 Euro Commemorative Coin of Andorra 2020, minted on the occasion of the XXVII Ibero-American Summit is €27.

2 Euro Andorra 2020 Coin – 50 Anys Del Sufragi Universal Femenì

2 Euro Andorra 2020 Coin - 50 Anys Del Sufragi Universal Femenì
2 Euro Andorra 2020 Coin – 50 Anys Del Sufragi Universal Femenì

Also from 2020 are the 2 Euro Commemorative Andorra coins minted to honour the 50th anniversary of the Andorran Women’s Universal Suffrage. Issued on 9/12/2020.

On the obverse a woman’s face with closed eyes is engraved in the lower left-hand corner, the thick hair is formed by spiral lines created by the succession of Catalan female names. The woman represents a tribute to the women’s union to obtain the universal right to vote.

The inscription 50 ANYS DEL SUFRAGI UNIVERSAL FEMENÍ is engraved in a semicircle at the top, and the words ANDORRA 1990-2020 at the bottom. In the outer ring of the coin are the 12 European stars in a circle.

The reverso is characterised by the value side of the coin, its common face.

Value of 2 Euro Andorra 2020 coin – Universal Women’s Suffrage

  • The 2 Euro Commemorative of Andorra 2020, minted to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Universal Women’s Suffrage in Andorra is worth €30

Table and Values of the Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins

This is what all the 2 Euro Andorra commemorations are worth, values obviously referred to the state of preservation in Fior di Conio. They may vary according to the numismatic interest of the moment.

Now, if you have rare coins like these (but also different rarer coins), you can have fun and earn some money by auctioning them online. We always buy and sell coins at auction using this partner site. It is the largest online coin auction site and we really recommend it. Both selling and buying coins at auction is easy and exciting.

Arguments related to Andorra Euro Coins

You can see the value, rarity and description of all Andorran coins here: Andorra Euro coins

See the 2-euro commemorative coins of other European countries:

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