San Marino Euro Coins

In this page we will analyze the San Marino Euro Coins, all the divisional coins (if you need the commemorative just go here: 2€ commemorative san marino coins) of the Eurocollection minted by the Mint of Rome for the Republic of San Marino, a small State entirely confined to Italy. You have to know that it is a State, like the Vatican, geographically incorporated by the Italian territory and the Sammarinese euro coins are very interesting.

All sammarinese euro coins of the Republic of San Marino
All sammarinese euro coins of the Republic of San Marino

This geographical position allows him to maintain very close ties with Italy, also from the point of view of the monetary system, with which he has precise bilateral agreements.

Introduction to Sammarinese euro coins

Since 1864, the Republic of San Marino has been using the Italian lira, and the San Marino and Vatican liras were also legal tender.

Therefore, even though San Marino does not belong to the countries of the European Union, in 2002 it also passed to the Single Currency and therefore to the Euro. As in the Principality of Monaco, Andorra and the Vatican State.

Right from the start, the San Marino Euro Coins have become an object of interest for fans of Numismatics and in fact the value of some examples has increased rapidly. All this has contributed to making some of the Sammarinese euro coins a real rare coin.

The Republic of San Marino does not have an autonomous Mint, so the production of coins is entrusted to the Italian Mint of Rome. Instead, the Autonomous State Philatelic and Numismatic Company of San Marino deals with the much sought after series dedicated to collectors.

1 Cent San Marino Euro Coins

1 Cent euro of San Marino – First Series

1 Cent euro of San Marino - First Series
1 Cent euro of San Marino – First Series

Let’s start with the smallest denomination: 1 Euro cent San Marino, the first series is the one coined from 2002 to 2016.
On the Obverse is represented the Montale, the third Tower of San Marino. On the right there is the signature of the author Frantisek Chochola and in capital letters, the inscription SAN MARINO. On the left the thousandth of minting and the symbol of the Italian Mint of Rome.

Around the Tower are distributed the 12 Stars of the European Union. Finally, at the bottom right, along the edge, the signature of the engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini.

On the reverse there is the Common Face of all the countries of the Eurozone.

  • Materials: Copper-plated steel
  • Thickness: 1.67mm
  • Weight: 2.30 grams
  • Diameter: 16.25mm
  • Outline: The contour is smooth
  • Engraver: Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini
  • Axles: German style

Value and Circulation of 1 Euro cent San Marino Coins – First Series

Values and circulation of the 1 eurocent coins of the Republic of San Marino, tables divided by years:

1 Cent euro of San Marino – Second Series

1 Cent euro of San Marino - Second Series
1 Cent euro of San Marino – Second Series

Here instead is the Second Series of the coin 1 Euro cent San Marino. Coined from 2017 onwards.
The image on the Obverse changes and the Coat of Arms of the Republic of San Marino is depicted with the three Towers in the center, the crown at the top, the two branches of laurel and oak to enclose the coat of arms and in the ribbon at the bottom the inscription LIBERTAS.

At the top right there is the thousandth of minting with under the R of the Mint of Rome, on the left the inscription SAN MARINO. Below, in the central part, the initials of the author Antonella Napolione and Urbani Maria Grazia as an engraver.
Around the coin the 12 Stars symbol of the European Union.

  • Diameter: 16.25 mm
  • Thickness: 1.67 mm
  • Weight: 2.30 g
  • Materials: Copper plated steel
  • Outline: Smooth
  • Engraver: Urbani Maria Grazia
  • Axles: German style

Value and Circulation of 1 Euro cent San Marino Coins – Second Series

2 Cents San Marino Euro Coins

2 Cents euro of San Marino – First Series

2 Cents euro of San Marino - First Series
2 Cents euro of San Marino – First Series

The second smallest coin is the 2 centesimi Euro San Marino first series, minted from 2002 to 2016. In the Obverse, along the edge, are distributed the 12 stars of the European Union. In the centre is the Statue of Liberty, a work by Stefano Galletti.

On the right, the symbol of the Italian mint and the thousandth of minting, while on the left, the inscription SAN MARINO and the signature of the author Frantisek Chochola. Along the edge of the coin, at the bottom right, are the initials of the engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini.

On the reverse side there is the common face of the 2 euro cent coins.

  • Materials: Copper plated steel
  • Thickness: 1.67mm
  • Weight: 3.06 grams
  • Diameter: 18.75 mm
  • Outline: Incused horizontal thread
  • Engraver: Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini

Value and Circulation of 2 Euro cents San Marino Coins – First Series

2 Cents Euro of San Marino – Second Series

2 Cents Euro of San Marino - Second Series
2 Cents Euro of San Marino – Second Series

The 2 cent euro coin of the Republic of San Marino Second Series was minted in 2017. The design on the face of the Obverse depicts an ancient guard point: the Porta del Paese, known as Porta San Francesco or Parta del Loco. On the right there is the R as a symbol of Roman mint and the inscription in a semicircle SAN MARINO, on the left the year of the thousandth.

Under the door there is the engraving of the initials of the author Arno Ludwig, while the initials of the engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini can be seen along the side of the door. The 12 five-pointed stars are in a circle along the outer edge of the coin.

The reverse of the 2 eurocent is the usual Common Face.

  • Materials: Copper plated steel
  • Diameter: 18.75 mm
  • Thickness: 1.67mm
  • Weight: 3.06 grams
  • Outline: Horizontal, smooth incused fillet
  • Engraver: Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini

Value and Circulation of 2 Euro cents San Marino Coins – Second and Third Series

Here is the table with the values of the second series of 2-cent San Marino coins:

5 Cents San Marino Euro Coins

5 Cents Euro of San Marino – First Series

5 Cents Euro of San Marino - First Series
5 Cents Euro of San Marino – First Series

Here we are at 5 Euro cents San Marino First Series, third and last red small denomination coin. The first series of the 5 eurocent San Marino coins was minted in Rome from 2002 to 2016.
The First Tower, known as Castello della Guaita or even Rocca, is depicted on the obverse. To the right of the fortress is the inscription SAN MARINO with the initials of Frantisek Chochola, author of the drawing.

At the top left there is the thousandth of minting and under the symbol of the Mint of Rome (R). Around it are distributed the twelve stars of the European Union and the initials of the engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini.

  • Materials: Copper plated steel
  • Thickness: 1.67mm
  • Weight: 3.92 grams
  • Diameter: 21.25 mm
  • Outline: Smooth
  • Engraver: Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini

Value and Circulation of 5 Euro cents San Marino Coins – First Series

5 Cents Euro of San Marino – Second Series

5 Cents Euro of San Marino - Second Series
5 Cents Euro of San Marino – Second Series

Here we are at the 5 cents of the Republic of San Marino (Second Series), coined in 2017. On the Obverse the new National side with the representation of the Capuchin Church with a semi-moon cut below. The signature of the modeler Maria Angela Cassol is at the bottom right, while that of the author Arno Ludwig is at the left, always at the bottom. At the top, in a semicircle, the inscription SAN MARINO followed by the thousandth and the symbol of the Roman mint R.
All around the twelve stars that symbolize the European Union.

The reverse of this sammarinese euro coin is characterized, as usual, by the Face Common to all countries of the Euro Zone.

  • Materials: Copper-plated steel
  • Weight: 3.92 g
  • Diameter: 21.25 mm
  • Thickness: 1.67 mm
  • Outline: Smooth side dish
  • Engraver: Maria Angela Cassol

Value and Circulation of 5 Euro cents San Marino Coins – Second Series

Here are all the values of the 5 cent sammarinese euro coin of the second series of San Marino coins:

10 Cents San Marino Euro Coins

10 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – First and Second Series

10 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin - First and Second Series
10 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – First and Second Series

Of the 10 Euro cents of the Republic of San Marino First and Second Series, the First Series is coined from 2002 to 2007, after changes the common face but the National remains the same. Then from 2008 to 2016 the Second Series is coined.

The Basilica of San Marino is represented in perspective on the Obverse, above the church there is the inscription in a semicircle SAN MARINO followed by the thousandth of minting. On the right are the initials of the author Frantisek Chochola, under the R, symbol of the Roman mint, and along the border the 12 5-pointed stars with the signature of the engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini.

The reverso for the First Series shows the euro zone countries all separated from each other (2002/2007). However, in 2008 a new version of the map with the Eurozone united is required. Version used for the Second Series (2008/2016)

  • Materials: Nordic Gold
  • Thickness: 1.93 mm
  • Weight: 4.1 g
  • Diameter: 19.75 mm
  • Outline: thick and striped knurling
  • Engraver: Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini

Value and Circulation of 10 cents Sammarinese Euro Coins – First and Second Series

The rarest 10 cents of the Republic of San Marino are those of 2003, which have a value of over 14 euros. The 2004 cents are also uncommon and highly quoted.

10 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – Third Series

10 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin - Third Series
10 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – Third Series

Here we are with the 10 cent Euro San Marino Third Series coin, those for which the National Side changes, but not the Common Side. Coined in 2017 and still in progress.
On the right is represented, frontally, the Church of San Francesco with the inscription SAN MARINO upper semicircle, the thousandth of minting on the right and the symbol of the mint R on the left. In this third version, the signature of the author Arno Ludwig and the modeler Maria Carmela Colaneri are in the lower half of the semi-moon cut of the church. The twelve stars of the European Union are distributed in a circle around the coin.

On the reverse side of the Third Series of 10 cents there is the new map with the countries of the Eurozone united without distances.

  • Outline: striped with thick knurling
  • Materials: Nordic Gold
  • Weight: 4.1 grams
  • Diameter: 19.75 mm
  • Thickness: 1.93mm
  • Engraver: Maria Carmela Colaneri

Value and Circulation of 10 cents Sammarinese Euro Coins – Third Series

Among the third series, the rarest 10 cents sammarinese euro coins are those of 2017 quoted about 12 euro. Even the 10 cents 2018 and 2019 are rare and sought in excellent condition because of the limited print runs.

20 Cents San Marino Euro Coins

20 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – First and Second Series

20 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin - First and Second Series
20 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – First and Second Series

20 Euro cents San Marino First and Second Series. The First Series goes from 2002 to 2007 and the Second Series from 2008 to 2016. The difference between the two series concerns only the Common Face which is modified, while the National Face remains the same from 2002 to 2016.

In fact, the Obverse, the National Face, represents Saint Marino holding up the Three Towers, in a stylized version of a 17th century painting from the Guercino School. To the left of the Saint are the initials of Frantisek Chochola, author of the drawing, followed by the inscription SAN MARINO. The thousandth of minting on the right, always on the right, after the third tower, there is engraved the R of the Italian Mint of Rome.
All around the coin are engraved the stars as a symbol of the European Union and below the signature of Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini as an engraver.

Il Verso raffigura i paesi dell’euro zona separati e distanziati tra loro per la Prima Serie (2002/2007).
Invece per la Seconda Serie (2008/2016) viene utilizzata una nuova versione della cartina con i Paesi dell’Eurozona tutti uniti.

  • Materiali: Nordic Gold
  • Spessore: 2,14 mm
  • Peso: 5,74 g
  • Diametro: 22,25 mm
  • Contorno: Godronatura Larga
  • Incisore: Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini

Value and Circulation of 20 cents Sammarinese Euro Coins – First and Second Series

The rarest and most quoted 20 cents of San Marino are those of 2004 and are worth over 7 euros. The 20 cents of San Marino 2008, on the other hand, are common coins and have a value of more than 1 euro.

20 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – Third Series

20 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin - Third Series
20 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – Third Series

The 20 Euro cents of the Republic of San Marino (Third Series) are minted in 2017 and the National Face of San Marino is modified.

In fact, the Three Symbolic Towers of San Marino are now represented on the obverse side: Montale/Cesta/Guaita with the capital letters SAN MARINO on top followed by the thousandth of minting. In the centre, also in the upper part of the coin, there is the symbol of the Mint of Rome (R). In the lower part there are the signatures of the model Claudia Momoni and the engraver Arno Ludwig.
Around the edge of the coin are engraved the stars that symbolize the Euro Zone.

The reverse is the common face of the 20 cents, the same for all the countries of the Eurozone.

  • Materials: Nordic Gold
  • Thickness: 2.14 mm
  • Weight: 5.74 g
  • Diameter: 22.25 mm
  • Outline: Wide knurling
  • Engraver: Claudia Momoni

Value and Circulation of 20 cents Sammarinese Euro Coins – Third Series

Among these coins, the rarest 20 cents sammarinese euro coins are certainly those of 2019, which with a circulation of just over 23 thousand copies, have a value of 6.50 euro.

50 Cents San Marino Euro Coins

50 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – First and Second Series

50 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin - First and Second Series
50 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – First and Second Series

With the sammarinese 50 Cents euro coin (First and Second Series), between the first and second series changes only the Common Face from 2008 onwards. In 2002 the First Series comes out and is coined until 2007, from 2008 to 2016 instead the Second Series is coined.

The coin’s obverse shows a representation of the Three Towers on Mount Titano, different from that of the 20 centesimi coins.
Above the Guaita, the Cesta and the Montale there is a semicircle of the thousandth of minting followed by the inscription SAN MARINO. In the upper central part, under the inscription, there is the symbol of the mint of Rome, instead to the right the initials of the author Frantisek Chochola.
The twelve stars of the European Union are arranged in a circle around the edge of the coin itself and also at the bottom hyenas bearing the signature of Engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini.

The reverse in the First Version of 2002/2007 sees the map of the countries of the Euro Zone with the same countries separated from each other. In the Second Version of 2008/2016 an updated version of the map with the countries of the European Union united is used.

  • Materials: Nordic Gold
  • Thickness: 2.38 mm
  • Weight: 7.8 g
  • Diameter: 24.25 mm
  • Outline: thick knurled/ribbed
  • Engraver: Frantisek Chochola

Value and Circulation of 50 cents Sammarinese Euro Coins – First and Second Series

Let’s figure out what the rare 50 cents in San Marino are. Let’s start from the 50 cents sammarinese coin of 2008 which are instead a common coin and therefore with a wide circulation. The 50 cent 2008 of San Marino are still worth three times their face value. The 50 cents of San Marino 2014 are worth 2 euros and are uncommon coins, as are the 50 cents of San Marino 2015 (which have the same value).

In other words, the rarest coin in these two series is the first one, the 2002 one, which is worth more than EUR 9.

50 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – Third Series

50 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin - Third Series
50 Cents Euro Sammarinese Coin – Third Series

Here we are at the 50 Euro cents of the Republic of San Marino Third Series coined in 2017. So the National Side changes.

The obverse of this coin represents the Saint Marino in the stylization of a painting painted by Emilio Retrosi. On the left you can see the inscription SAN MARINO with the signature of the modeller Uliana Pernazza underneath. On the right there is the thousandth of minting, the symbol (R) of the Mint and the signature of the author Arno Ludwig.
All around are distributed the 12 stars of the European Union.

On the reverse side, same for all 50-cent coins.

  • Materials: Nordic Gold
  • Weight: 7.8 g
  • Diameter: 24.25 mm
  • Thickness: 2.38 mm
  • Outline: thick knurled/ribbed
  • Engraver: Uliana Pernazza

Value and Circulation of 50 cents Sammarinese Euro Coins – Third Series

The rarest coin of this series is the 2019 one, while the 50 San Marino cents of 2018 are uncommon. These euro san marino have a value three times the face value.

1 Euro San Marino Coins

1 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino – First and Second Series

1 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino - First and Second Series
1 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino – First and Second Series

Eccoci alle monete bimetalliche iniziamo con 1 Euro San Marino Prima e Seconda Serie.

On the obverse of the coins of the First and Second Series is represented the coat of arms of the Republic of San Marino with the three central towers, the crown above, the two branches of laurel and oak on the sides of the coat of arms and joined with ribbon at the bottom. Above right the R of the Roman Mint. Below, on the edge of the central roundel, the inscription SAN MARINO followed by the initials of Frantisek Chochola as the author of the drawing.
On the outside of the coin are engraved the twelve stars of the European Union and at the bottom is the signature of the engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini.

The reverse represents the Common Face of all the countries that use the Euro, the First Version of 2002/2007 sees marked the boundaries between the different countries of the Eurozone. Instead, in the Second Version of 2008/2016 the borders between the countries disappear and the Euro Zone is represented all together.

  • Materials: External crown in nickel/brass. Central copper/nickel roundel
  • Thickness: 2.33 mm
  • Weight: 7.5 g
  • Diameter: 23.25 mm
  • Outline: discontinuous striped
  • Engraver: Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini

Value and Circulation of 1 Euro Coins of Republic of San Marino – First and Second Series

Let’s see which are the rarest 1 euro sammarinese coins, quoted and sought after by collectors. What will be the 1 euro San Marino coin with the highest value? Let’s find out.

The rarest 1 euro San Marino coin is the 2002 euro, which is uncommon and has a value of over 16 euro in fdc. The 1 euro 2009 is common and worth only 2 euro as well as the 1 euro San Marino 2010 coin, which is worth 3 euro.

Finally, the 1 euro san marino coins of 2013 and 2014 are also common and worth between 2 and 3 euro.

1 Euro San Marino 2015 Valore e Tiratura

The 2015 San Marino 1 euro coin, although common, has a value twice as high as the face value. Its circulation is high and its value is two euro in Brilliant Uncirculated.

1 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino – Third Series

1 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino - Third Series
1 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino – Third Series

In 2017 the 1 Euro San Marino Terza Serie was introduced. So the National Face changes in favour of the representation of the Second Tower. Therefore the obverse is characterized, in the central part of the coin, by the image of the Fratta Tower which is precisely the Second Tower of San Marino. On the left there is the inscription SAN MARINO and the symbol of the Mint of Rome. On the right there is instead the thousandth of minting. The signatures of the author Arno Ludwig and of the model Luciana De Simoni are engraved under the fortress in the lower part of the coin.
The outer ring of the coin houses the 12 5-pointed stars of the European Union, distributed in a circle.

The direction of the bimetallic coin is the common face of all the countries of the Eurozone.

  • Outline: discontinuous striped
  • Materials: Central roundel in copper/nickel. External crown in nickel/brass.
  • Weight: 7.5 g
  • Thickness: 2.33 mm
  • Diameter: 23.25 mm
  • Engraver: Luciana De Simoni

Value and Circulation of 1 Euro Coins of Republic of San Marino – Third Series

The 1 euro 2017 coin from San Marino is uncommon and has a value of 2,5 euro.

2 Euro San Marino Coins

2 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino – First and Second Series

2 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino - First and Second Series
2 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino – First and Second Series

Here we are with the other bimetallic coin: the 2 Euro San Marino First and Second Series.

On the obverse of the First and Second Series, in the central part of the coin, is engraved the Palazzo Pubblico or the Domus Magna Comunis. On the right, the inscription SAN MARINO followed by the signature of Frantisek Chochola, author of the design. On the left there is the thousandth of minting and the symbol of the Mint of Rome (R).
The outer ring of the coin bears the signature of the engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini and the 12 stars that symbolise Europe.

The reverse of the 2 eurocent coin is the Common Face, the same for all countries that use the Euro.
The First Version (2002/2007) has the borders between the countries of the Euro Zone.
In the Second Version (2008/2016), the borders between the different states in favour of a UNITA vision of the Eurozone disappear from the representation.

  • Materials: Nickel/brass central roundel. External crown in copper/nickel
  • Thickness: 2,20 mm
  • Weight: 8.5 g
  • Diameter: 25.75 mm
  • Outline: Zigrin with six 2 in incuse and six 5-pointed stars.
  • Engraver: Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini

Value and Circulation of 2 Euro Coins of Republic of San Marino – First and Second Series

Now the numbers are getting interesting. First of all, the 2 most quoted San Marino euro are the 2 euro San Marino 2002 coins, the first ones. The rarest 2 euro San Marino coins are those of 2006 and 2014.

The 2 euro San Marino 2013 are common, however, have a value of 4.50 euro and a circulation of more than 600 thousand copies. Also the 2 euros of 2016 are common and worth only 4 euros. Let us remember that we are talking about divisional coins and not about the 2 euro commemorative coins of San Marino.

2 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino – Third Series

2 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino - Third Series
2 Euro Coin Republic of San Marino – Third Series

Here we are at the last coin of San Marino, the 2 Euro of the Republic of San Marino of the Third Series minted in 2017. In this case, the National Side changes. If you are looking fore the 2€ commemorative coins, have a look here: 2 euro commemorative coins of San Marino.

In fact, in the central part of the coin, of the obverse, there is a representation of Saint Marino holding the Three Towers. The image is taken from a painting by Giovan Battista Urbinelli. The inscription SAN MARINO followed by the thousandth of minting is to the right of the coin, while the R of the Mint is to the left. The central part of the coin also contains the signatures of the author and engraver, precisely above the shoulder that of Silvia Petrassi, modeler, and below that of the author Arno Ludwig.

The reverse is characterized by the Common Face of the 2 Euro.

  • Outline: Zigrin with six 2 in incuse and six 5-pointed stars.
  • Materials: External crown in copper/nickel. Nickel/brass central roundel.
  • Weight: 8.5 g
  • Thickness: 2,20 mm
  • Diameter: 25.75 mm
  • Engraver: Silvia Petrassi

Value and Circulation of 1 Euro Coins of Republic of San Marino – Third Series

The 2 euro sammarinese coins of the third rarest series are those of 2018 and are also the ones with the highest value.

Want to see more Euro coins?

Would you like to see the other Eurocollection divisional coins? Read these articles:

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